Allow you to do process costing (Material Cost, Labour Cost, Overheads) for manufacturing orders.
Process Costing in Manufacturing Process MRP
This module print lot barcode from Manufacturing Order for Raw materials and Finished product.
Print Manufacturing Order Barcode/Lot
BOM cost Price on Product which has BOM and Show Total Cost on BOM Form.
BOM Product Cost Price
This module allow you to import Multiple Bill of Materials BOM from excel file.
Import Bill of Materials (BOM) from Excel
This Module Allow to Import/Export Bill of Materials in Excel format.
Import Export Bill of Materials Excel
Agriculture Integration with Manufacturing (MRP) and Bill of Materials.
Agriculture Integration with Manufacturing (MRP)
This module allow you to create Requisition with create Manufacturing order option on Requisition lines
Manufacturing Requisitions for Material
This app provide feature of engineering change order (ECO) for Bill of Materials
Engineering Change Order (ECO) for BOM
This app allow you to have costing of by-product in Manufacturing/Production.
Process Costing Manufacturing for By-Products
Cloths Tailor Management With Manufacturing MRP
Tailor App Integrate Manufacturing MRP
This module allow production team to create Material Requisition during production and work order process.
Material Requisitions from Manufacturing / Workorder
This module will create tasks from manufacturing work-orders.
Odoo Manufacturing WorkOrder Integration Task
Cancel manufacturing orders in bulk.
Odoo Cancel Manufacturing Orders
Manufacturing Several Outputs in MRP Secondary Finished goods in MRP Several Outputs in Manufacturing food industry Manufacturing Secondary Product in mrp Secondary Products costing with mrp process costing with Secondary product in manufacturing byproduct
Secondary Products in Manufacturing/MRP Several Outputs
Manufacturing Several Outputs in MRP Secondary Finished goods in MRP Several Outputs with Accounting Manufacturing food industry with costing Accounting Product costing in mrp Secondary Products costing Manufacturing process costing with Accounting entry
MRP Process Costing Accounting With Secondary Products
Apps for process costing on Manufacturing with accounting entry mrp process costing accounting Manufacturing accounting entry for process costing mrp material costing mrp accounting cost mrp labour cost mrp overhead cost total mrp accounting costing
Manufacturing Process Costing with Accounting Entry in Odoo
Multiple Branch Management Multi Branch manufacturing app Multiple Unit Operating unit manufacturing branch mrp branch production multiple branch manufacturing single company with Multi Branches multi company branch mrp unit multi branch mrp multi branch
Multiple Branch Unit Operations for Manufacturing
Manufacturing Several Outputs in MRP Secondary Finished goods in MRP Several Outputs in Manufacturing food industry with costing Manufacturing Secondary Product costing in mrp Secondary Products costing Manufacturing process costing with Secondary products
MRP Process Costing with Secondary Product
Apps for process costing on Manufacturing Order bom process costing process costing Manufacturing bill of material costing manufacturing accounting cost manufacturing material cost manufacturing labour cost manufacturing overhead cost total mrp costing
Manufacturing Process Costing in Odoo